Note: It is also possible to import the Burp CA Certificate using a micro SD card. Ensure that you move the Burp CA Certificate from the micro SD card to the phones own storage before using the certificate install function in the “Security” menu. This article is based on Android version 4.2.2 running on a Samsung mobile device.

Sep 14, 2018 · I exported (using binary format) the CA certificate - "thawte" was the issuer; I emailed it to myself, and from my email on my phone, saved the attached certificate to Android's file system. I imported/installed the certificate in the Android 8 system. Finally, I chose it (it appeared in "CA Certificate" drop-down menu) when signing in to WiFi Windows computer: Used to request the user certificate for the Android device. I will be using Windows 7 in my example. And there are two certificates that we require: User certificate. Root CA certificate. The user certificate is required to authenticate the user, the root CA certificate is required in case you created your own certificate Android accept only certificate in "Binary mode". If you have a certificate in Text mode, which is the most common certificate format, convert it simply in "DER Binary" format. After this, push the certificate into the "download folder of the Android device and use the "Install from SD Card" menu to install the certificate. Adding your enterprise CA as a trusted certificate authority. If you used an enterprise CA on your network, or if you created a CA for demos, as described in Self-signed certificates: Creating a Certificate Authority for development, the CA’s root certificate must be installed as a trusted root certificate authority in the following locations: The CA signs the intermediate root with its private key, which makes it trusted. Then the CA uses the intermediate certificate’s private key to sign and issue end user SSL certificates. This process can play out several times, where an intermediate root signs another intermediate and then a CA uses that to sign certificate.

The root certificate is a Base-64 encoded X.509(.CER) format root certificate from the backend certificate server. It identifies the root certificate authority (CA) that issued the server certificate and the server certificate is then used for the TLS/SSL communication.

Gotcha, thanks Ben. You may want to add to your question that you have tried those things. It is hard to tell on this forum when someone has done the obvious steps and is still unsuccessful, or when they are just flailing about asking for help without trying things. =) And thanks for sharing your solution, when you can; helpful answers are what makes this community exceptional. – 0xSheepdog

Install CharlesProxy CA Certificate on Android I use Charles Proxy extensively for debugging all kinds of applications, and lately I've been using it more with mobile devices. One of the killer features of Charles is its ability to intercept SSL traffic.

Google added this network monitoring warning as part of the Android KitKat (4.4) security enhancements. This warning indicates that a device has at least one user-installed certificate, which could be used by malware to monitor encrypted network traffic. Sep 16, 2010 · I see the Android authenticating on WPA2 enterprise AES PEAP without a certificate as well. I tried putting the cert onto the unti but failed, but it works anyway. This is a security hole for sure.. I think it is doing a ldap lookup to the domain to locate the certificate or something. Gotcha, thanks Ben. You may want to add to your question that you have tried those things. It is hard to tell on this forum when someone has done the obvious steps and is still unsuccessful, or when they are just flailing about asking for help without trying things. =) And thanks for sharing your solution, when you can; helpful answers are what makes this community exceptional. – 0xSheepdog