Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 3:53 Post subject: DD-WRT changes router's MAC Address? Why does any dd-wrt firmware (micro.bin) change the MAC address of my WRT54GS V.6 router? On the web gui it's different from the MAC address that's on the label under my router. If I'm having internet connection problems, should I use MAC cloning? In MAC cloning

But I think that ther's must be a way to change the default mac address, it's not possibile that thers'not. Is there some dd-wrt developper that can help me?? I remeber that when I installed the open-wrt on the linksys devices by default open-wrt changed the default mac with one that was always the same for all. Oct 05, 2016 · But a black list is easier. If someone gets on your wifi, note their MAC address, and put it in the black list. Then change your password because obviously your password wasn’t good enough. Here’s some password advice if you need it. They can change their MAC address if they ever get through again, but in this case it doesn’t hassle you any more. DD-WRT's interface shows options to change the WAN and WLAN MAC but not the LAN MAC. I have two identical DD-WRT routers with identical configurations on them but since the LAN MAC is not the same, things like Windows workgroup or Linux samba reject authentication through the new router. they only change in mac address clone option, & change together. there needs to be an option for separate 2.4ghz interface mac cloning & 5ghz interface mac cloning to work around this. now its impossible to have both bands running on the same ssid for roaming as one of them has to be different. to further complicate things dir-862L currently Aug 16, 2011 · Add the IP address of the target computer, followed by the mask. The mask will tell DD-WRT what length of the IP address to apply the rule to. For example, a mask of 24 will change the priority for 192.168.1.x addresses, and a mask of 32 will change the priority of a single IP address. You will likely want to use 32. Enter the MAC address of the client interface, the hostname of the machine, and the desired IP address for this machine. Note that you cannot reserve the same IP address for two different MAC addresses (e.g. both the wired and wireless interfaces of a device). Scroll to the bottom of the page and save your changes. Goto the Main Setup tab, then the MAC Address Clone sub-tab. Click the Enable radio button. Fill in the Wireless MAC info as the SAME info from the Sys-Info page. Don't change the Wireless MAC to a different value than what is shown on the Sys-Info page - its un-necessary! You SHOULD change the WAN MAC address.

The DD-WRT Web interface will appear and you'll be prompted to change your username and password. Choose a username and password, then click the Change Password button.

Sep 10, 2018 · MAC address. First we need to know the MAC address of the device. We can get it from the DD-WRT router interface (by default is navigate to ‘Status > LAN’ and you’ll find your device on the ‘Active Clients’ section. Another way to find the MAC address is using a network application such as Fing. Static Lease Jun 23, 2013 · This would be perfectly fine for normal users who have just one such router in her LAN, but it didn't work for me since MAC addresses have to be unique in a LAN. The nvram set command can be used to change the MAC address, but it only affects the MAC address displayed in the DD-WRT control panel, it doesn't actually change the MAC address. I was able to change the WAN and Wireless MAC Address in the Advanced - MAC Address section but I need to change the LAN MAC Address so I can get the two routers to communicate. Right now the downstream router will not ping the upstream router. Everything is hooked up correctly. The simplest may be to connect a computer to the 5 GHz band, run arp -a from a Command Prompt (Windows) or Terminal (Mac) and look for the MAC address listed next to the router's IP address. On Windows, you can also run netsh wlan show interfaces. The MAC address will be listed as the BSSID.

Sep 10, 2018 · MAC address. First we need to know the MAC address of the device. We can get it from the DD-WRT router interface (by default is navigate to ‘Status > LAN’ and you’ll find your device on the ‘Active Clients’ section. Another way to find the MAC address is using a network application such as Fing. Static Lease

Should I use the dd-wrt firmware or is it possible to switch to the dd-wrt firmware, than change mac adress and then change back to Linksys firmware? 0 Kudos Report Inappropriate Content Jul 11, 2013 · An IP address can be re-assigned to any device while the MAC address is hard-coded to the device. A MAC whitelist is an inventory of known MAC addresses that are permitted or denied access to the WIFI network. If you have two smartphones and one laptop that connect to your WIFI network, then the MAC address of each device would be added to the