The simple difference is that for an unreachable host, the last hop router is returning an ICMP destination unreachable response. Most routers will hardware process ACLs or rate limits, but generation of ICMP responses require CPU resources so it is common practice to not generate them.

Aug 10, 2018 Destination host unreachable - Linksys Community Destination Host Unreachable is a physical connectivity problem. Try and ping from your computer. If this replies than the TCP/IP stack within your OS is good. Reply From < IP address >: Destination Host Unreachable

If an instance becomes unreachable during logon, there could be a problem with your network configuration or Windows Remote Desktop Services. An instance can also be unresponsive if a process is using large amounts of CPU. Network configuration. Use the following information, to verify that your AWS, Microsoft Windows, and local (or on-premises

Feb 23, 2014 wifi - SSH host unreachable on PI - Raspberry Pi Stack SSH gives the same answer, Host Unreachable. :(EDIT: I also used nmap from my laptop and it found no hosts on the network. Nmap done: 254 IP addresses (0 hosts up) scanned in 103.21 seconds EDIT: Another interesting thing is that arp-scan says:

[SOLVED] Host Unreachable : siacoin

VMware - Destination host unreachable |VMware Communities Feb 23, 2014