Evaluate the ping. If it is unable to ping the server, the output will read "ping request could not find host." If the command pings the server successfully, the output will look like this: Pinging www.l.example.com [12.34.567.890] with 32 bytes of data: Reply from 12.34.567.890: bytes=32 time=41ms TTL=54

Using ping test on Microsoft Windows. To use the ping program on Microsoft Windows, follow these steps: Open a DOS command window. To do this, click Start, click Run, type cmd, and then press Enter. At the command prompt, type the following command. Replace example.com with the domain that you want to test: ping example.com Interpret the output CAN surf the internet, CANNOT ping a website or run a Oct 30, 2005 Computer cannot ping a certain IP? - TechSpot Forums

You are correct in that if you ping an IP address you are not using DNS. If you are using a hostname instead of an IP address with ping, then you will be using DNS.. However, just because you are using ping with an IP address, even if you don't get a response this does not necessarily mean there is a routing problem. Many hosts are configured to rate limit ICMP echo requests (i.e. ping) or to

Replace "www.cohowinery.com" with the IP address, URL, or computer name of the server to ping. Remarks. The Ping method is not a fail-safe method for determining the availability of a remote computer: the ping port on the target computer may be turned off or the ping request may be blocked by a firewall or router. I can't ping google.com (unknown host). But I can ping IP addresses. I tried to ping the IP address of Google but it doesn't work. resolv.conf nameserver nameserver ifcon Additionally, I am able to ping from R2 to R1, but cannot pring from R1 to R2. Hope my explanation was clear. Thanks . I thought since this is a very simple network, there should be no problem creating a second flat private network using an IP address given from my first production private network.

Jul 16, 2008

Jul 16, 2008 Can ping websites but cannot open web pages in Internet Find answers to Can ping websites but cannot open web pages in Internet Explorer.. from the expert community at Experts Exchange I have the problem that I can ping a website but not view it in IE. However, to confuse matters, things work fine when I move the PC to another house and connect to another broadband service using the same modem.. Cannot access any Microsoft websites, all | DaniWeb Cannot go to msn.com (my home page I use), cannot go to microsoft.com, hotmail.com. no problems with Yahoo, Google, HPshopping, sears, Cingular, etc. No problems except with Microsoft sites. My fiance has a Compaq AMD processor laptop with Windows XP Professional - we can connect perfectly through same router - but wireless - to any website we Test-Connection: Ping Remote Hosts the PowerShell Way Jun 17, 2019