Ever since Google launched 18 years ago, it's been storing every single search you've made – even those naughty ones you'd thought you'd managed to hide - and now you can go back and look at

Mar 14, 2007 · Google has announced that it will now anonymize the server log data that it collects after 18 to 24 months, as a way to better protect the privacy of its users. Until now, Google has retained May 10, 2013 · Google can and does monitor people – perhaps upwards of 90 percent of Internet users worldwide – whether they use a Google product or not, and most people have no idea they're being monitored You might see search results and suggestions based on your location or other searches you've done during your current browsing session. Important: If you sign in to your Google Account to use a web service like Gmail, your searches and browsing activity might be saved to your account. Yes it will. The NSA might be reading your searches, but your local police probably aren’t. They could ask Google for your search data. This is something most people know about already, and something that Google has begun declaring openly in an an Ever since Google launched 18 years ago, it's been storing every single search you've made – even those naughty ones you'd thought you'd managed to hide - and now you can go back and look at

Sep 27, 2016 · If you love Google but want to switch to a more private search engine, then Startpage might be a better option for you. It actually uses Google’s search engine, but removes all the tracking features from it. This makes sure that you get quality search results from Google Search while being protected from its tracking features.

Apr 20, 2018 · Autocomplete is a feature within Google Search designed to make it faster to complete searches that you’re beginning to type. In this post—the second in a series that goes behind-the-scenes about Google Search—we’ll explore when, where and how autocomplete works. Google allows users to search the Web for images, news, products, video, and other content. When you're logged into Google or YouTube, a record of all the videos you searched for and watch is logged in your account. You can clear those logs, but up until now you couldn't disable

May 02, 2019 · Google searches appearing on other devices is a common symptom of device sharing between friends and family. Whilst you may not have been aware of it at the time, every time another person logs into a Google account on your device, or you log into another device yourself, you’re opening yourself up to this dilemma.

Aug 01, 2013 · The former employee's computer searches took place on this employee's workplace computer. On that computer, the employee searched the terms "pressure cooker bombs" and "backpacks". Oct 06, 2017 · So, your Google searches, voice searches, location changes, all are tracked and stored by Google so that the advertisements can be as tailored and accurate as they can be. But Google is not the only big corporate that does targeted advertising. May 02, 2019 · Google searches appearing on other devices is a common symptom of device sharing between friends and family. Whilst you may not have been aware of it at the time, every time another person logs into a Google account on your device, or you log into another device yourself, you’re opening yourself up to this dilemma. Aug 15, 2008 · Does Google really keep records of everyone's searches, and what IP address they are from? I heard they hold onto that data for 18 years. Also, that the police has made arrests based on questionable data Google has collected