Click three dots on the right and hit the Delete video button. How to Delete YouTube Channel or so-called YouTube Account. If you don’t want to keep your presence on YouTube anymore, you can delete your YouTube channel. Often people mix 2 notions: YouTube channel and account. There’s no such a thing as YouTube account. You sign up for a

Videos viewed while your watch history is paused will not show up in your watch history or influence your recommendations. Old computer experience . Remove a video: To remove a video from your watch history, click Remove to the right of the video details. Clear watch history: To delete your entire history, click Clear all watch history. Dec 08, 2018 · While you can clear your YouTube history from the app, it is well worth checking in your Google account too. Your viewing history is also saved in your Google Account if Videos you watch on YouTube is turned on. If you really need to view without leaving a trace, make sure to delete all history from your Google account too! Nov 02, 2018 · You can pause the search history on Youtube by clicking on the tab – Pause Watch History which is located towards the right hand side of your screen. Pause youtube search history Pause youtube history In IOS: Account profile icon; Next, settings; Now click on – Pause search history . Pause youtube search history Android App: Click on the Click on History on the left pane. Click on Clear all watch history. Click on Pause watch history. Clicking on the options to clear watch history; Head on over to the search history ; Click on Clear all search history. Confirm the action by clicking on Clear all search history. Click on Pause search history. I made a YouTube channel back in 2013 I guess, but I used a Verizon email. Verizon no longer has email so there is no way for me to get into that account.

How to remove someone's YouTube account from your phone

How to clear YouTube history - Computer Hope

Jul 24, 2020

Removing a YouTube account will not remove your actual Google account. All information tied to your Google account will still exist. Comments. Mobile Google YouTube. Notification on. For a YouTube viewer worried about privacy, this is definitely a big win. Now you can easily delete youtube history without an account. Although Incognito mode completely disables the history, the auto-deleting history is a good compromise to ensure that you can still get individual results. Nowadays, there are several ways to delete your