FriendlyElec OpenWrt Router Gateway: Setting Up FriendlyWrt

Static Route To add a static route, run /sbin/route, or set them in /etc/config/network. Let's say you need the routes: Destination Gateway Genmask Flags MSS Window irtt Iface UH 0 0 0 eth0.1 UG 0 0 0 eth0.1 #313 (NVRAM settings for dhcp and static routes - OpenWrt [example 1] lan_proto=static lan_gateway= wan_proto=dhcp [example 2] lan_proto=dhcp wan_proto=dhcp I think we should be able to assign a metric separately to each default route - including those learned via DHCP - in order to resolve this. Static routing - Wikipedia

#595 (patch-o-matic: ROUTE iptables module) – OpenWrt

Linking Subnets with Static Routes - DD-WRT Wiki The static routes should be configured with: Destination LAN NET - The remote subnet that you are creating the route for. Subnet Mask - The subnet mask of the remote subnet. Typically a Class C subnet mask of is used, which in slash notation is /24 as used in the diagram above.

Static Routes not working : openwrt - reddit

Static routes: how to route traffic through a specific gateway Jul 30, 2015 firewall - How can I define static routes between two # Route to router 3 subnet config route option interface lan # remote subnet that route is for (called destination on dd-wrt i think) option target # net mask of subnet on router 3) option netmask # ip address of next hop to destination subnet, router 3 wan option gateway OpenWrt Project: OpenWrt as router device