Ping eror destination port unreachable | Query4All

Filtering out ICMP Destination unreachable. Can’t get only aspecific Windows 7 PC to even ping a new WatchGuard XTM device. wireshark is not capturing ping/ICMP packets. Why? Ping: Two ping requests but one ping reply. I can't see any ping replies. Wireshark : Ping using Jpcap. I'm seeing ICMP traffic that I did not commence Pinging computers on local network: destination host ping gateway from both computers ping then try to ping comp1 to compt2 and comp2 to comp1 then post results of arp -a from BOTH boxes. Edit. Interesting, something is blocking traffic. run sudo tcpdump -ni wlan0 arp in one window on both computers and then try pinging each other and the gateway from another window on both again and post results Ping result is destination host unreachable - Networking Nov 02, 2013

ping to see my connectivity. so it says: Network is unreachable Than I typed . ifconfig: inet addr: Than typed . sudo /sbin/route add -net gw eth0 Now I'm doing the same ping and it says : Destination host is unreachable , for all the sequences.

Destination host unreachable - Linksys Community Destination Host Unreachable is a physical connectivity problem. Try and ping from your computer. If this replies than the TCP/IP stack within your OS is good. From there check your cable, is it crossover? Do you have a port mismatch onb the router and computer? Are you sure you are not plugged in to a phone port? [SOLVED] Destination host unreachable - CentOS

Configuring ICMP

ICMP - Destination Unreachable Message Analysis The ICMP - Destination host unreachable message is one which a user would usually get from the remote gateway when the destination host is unreachable. If, in the destination host, the IP module cannot deliver the packet because the indicated protocol module or process port is not active, the destination host may send an ICMP destination ssh, ping and Destination Port Unreachable Apr 02, 2009