Obviously not, but here’s a surprise; Google does. Google Web and App History is keeping a track of all your searches since 2005. Anyhow, there’s nothing to fret upon as you can always find a solution. Just to add to your smartness, clearing your internet history from your browser will not delete search history from Google’s servers.

Discover your family history by exploring the world's largest family tree and genealogy archive. Share family photos and stories. It's all free. Search history isn't viewable when signed out. Language: English Location: United States Restricted Mode: Off History Help Dec 17, 2019 · You don't want your internet search history hovering over you forever. Here's how to delete it from Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, and Microsoft Edge.

If you mean “without their knowledge or consent”, here is what you need to know: First, if you really mean “browsing history” - that information is only maintained on their personal devices.

Nov 25, 2016 · The police, NHS and the tax man will now be able to hack into your phones and check your browsing history in the UK after the Snoopers' Charter was passed by Parliament last week.